Monday, October 26, 2015

The random jottings of a girl on Monday...

Random Monday post.
First off, Tracy got the mini quiz on last Sunday's post right. It was Crewe station, just opposite  the Crewe Arms Hotel the photograph was taken from, where you get to most places in the UK from and where presuming HS2 happens, that service will call at too.
As those of you from a certain littles site in the UK with a chat room will be aware I haven't been too good with a cold and bad cough for most of the week so I've been on the Lemsips and herbal cough mixture which has left me feeling unwell, achy, woozy in the head and a bit lacking in motivation, although as Jodi put it you can't expect to feel much else although her support is helping at least the point I got a few things done today connected with the dead ghoulish upcoming events at GHS which I'm mooch looking forward too.
I'm glad to have people who do care about me.
I went to look at one site the other night and found its software and layout had changed quite a bit and found I had a few things to put aright on my profile there and found another doesn't seem to be so good in it's mobile view, something that with more and more people accessing sites via smartphones and tablets is becoming more important, not least for getting people to spend more time on them.
I can remember the early days when we'd almost huddle around our big desktop computers for hours trying to find the very sort of site we wanted and then stay on for hours as they were hardly portable in the way laptops and especially Netbooks are and often modern machines are more powerful than those 133mhz machines with by modern standards tiny amounts of RAM were.
Finally I've been putting Yet More Music on my Soul micro sd card all 64gb of it I use in my Fiio music player to listen to over the headphones or plugged in the mini system in my room when I'm poorly saving me carrying stacks of cds with me to put on.


  1. :: Giggle :: Yes - I too remember the early days of never leaving a site and other tech things we did. At one particular USA LG Camp, there were 8 of us sitting around with (old style) laptops, using the infrared beams to share stuff!!

    And my old site .... oh my gosh! LG side, AB side, stories, and a bi-monthly (kinda) webzine ... over 1500 pages! Now I blog. It's a lot easier.

  2. i keep thinking what fun it would be just to change into an anime girl!
