Monday, October 12, 2015

Sheltering edition

It's been a odd sort of a week for weather here with heavy rain earlier on and yes today we have brilliant sunshine which is more what I prefer although obviously we do need some rain and that even if there's never a really good time to it.
If you're thinking, have I missed a post before this, the answer is no because I needed to be out Thursday and Friday in particular to get some stuff I wasn't able to earlier and was too pooped out to be writing anything much so apart from not writing here, I didn't do much on other sites either apart from going bed earlier than usual set bedtime.
Before I forget thanks for those who read and commented on the last few entries here, it is very mooch appreciated especially on days like today when I have rather a lot on my mind which isn't so helpful when it comes getting in the mood to write and Marmalade has taken over my chair.
Like quite a few others I find dealing with the more 'adult' things not least unwell parents with an 'un-family' very stressful not least when no one is is even empathic never mind actually prepared do a thing to help and one has yet to return a phone call with a message left to a n other human they live with in seven weeks.
I can almost imagine the response I'd get If I called them out flat over how they are treating my folks never mind me, a person with multiple disabilities being left to care for them; One would just freeze doing nothing  and another would start a lasting feud as we've had several months of before now not talking and even acknowledging my very existence to others.
That's why I call them 'Un-family' cos legally they are but otherwise they may as well not be as they cut me out stone dead if they visit my folks and never inquire about me either.
I'd like a voucher to get a decent family with more than anything.

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