The world of Joanne_Chan is yet another non LHCMPA* blog
The entries marked ""Pre-blog" are my brief jottings before the blog proper was established from times where I felt things were starting to change in terms of how I saw myself even though I didn't know what it was exactly but in hindsight I can now.
Like a number of blogs, this one has it's avatar usually synchronized with related sites I use and I have so far in it has had three, the first one being a Japanese manga drawing of a school of girl used for an anime whose title I kind of forget,
and this of a smiling Japanese school girl that it's had from around 2012 which better represented my personality.
The one common denominator of all these avatars is they represent the spirit of the little girl within me, the one I feel.
The avatar of December 2014 thru January 14 2016 is that of a British schoolgirl in her uniform which is a very accurate representation of how I present in an real life age regression context specifically featuring a traditional Pinafore (aka Gymslip) dress which is so much me.
I changed it for the current one in part because through a lot of help, guidance and firm discipline, while I'm don't feel that much more older where it comes to chronological age, this had led to me moving more toward the level of maturity an actual bio-kid of that age would and my avatar did look a little bit younger than I felt from that angle and therefore is more the image I'd like you to visualize me by: an slightly older schoolgirl still in her traditional pinafore dress.
I am what some people call an adult little girl, which isn't quite the same as an actual little girl but rather an person who is chronologically older than their personality centred age, that's to say my interests are much more in tune with that one someone younger in my case 12ish than many peers although I have adult responsibilities meaning I have to pay my own way in the world and have held very responsible positions in my community.
The phrase that best describes how I am is Age Dysphoric, that's to say I'm always in a childhood state of mind unlike age regressors who regress temporarily seeing myself as more a child in an older body with many of the needs and vulnerabilities of bio-kids.
It also should go without saying that people like me take a very strong view against those who would harm children and in my own instance was involved in bringing abusers to justice because being in some ways child-like, we feel children's innocence should be respected by all adults
Unfortunately not all members the of wider community appreciate this.
In general many of us believe - despite whatever we may need to do to maintain our employment and our taking part in the wider communities life - in holding on to many of the values of childhood such as enjoying simple games, continuation in collecting those things we treasured from our chronological childhood and retaining that sense of wonderment allied to innocence.
As Middle with a little side, a part of this and it's associated headspace is connected with our childhood experiences which included how authority figures dealt with our behaviour and for us spanking was part of that (and not associated with what we call 'Adult content' today). It may not be for all.
Generally speaking though this blog isn't about that.
While naturally people describe themselves as they feel appropriate, I don't use the term "Sissy" here mainly because what started out as an innocence wrapped in girlish very feminine attire has become increasingly linked with adult sexuality, that leads those used to that contemporary usage to the wrong idea about me and this blog.
I do have a Tumblr for posts outside of regular blog entries: That Boarding School Girl
Moderation policy: There are no restrictions on those who follow this blog from commenting although as the publisher, I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or otherwise unacceptable. This may include also comments by those who don't follow this blog but having read a post do wish to comment.
* =Look How Cute My Panties Are, an expression coined at those blogs that seem to have an unhealthy obsession with seediness parading image after image of scantily clad LG's often in just their knickers peeping out rear side on from dresses and skirts.
You'll never find that here so anyone looking for it can give up.