Monday, July 29, 2024

The away little

The likelihood of there being any kind of journal with a promotional link to this weeks entry is very slight as I should be away until the end of the week and time will be a bit short especially given the legendary Grump will be up and out before I'm gone, double checking he does in fact get going.

As I'm typing this the only thing I know for sure is underwear, tops and sleeping attire which given it should be warmish need not have arctic thickness and be a bit more girlish to boot although anything like that is really on MY terms rather than some sub-culture pushing their own on anyone else as we all are ourselves as girls and that is reflected in our own styles.

Things with me do take into account practicality as in actually getting dressed by yourself and what is more appropriate to the activity, shorts for hiking, something light, modest and feminine for sports, a nice skirt or dress cool and attractive for day to day activities for instance.

 If I appear to switch off and go into pause mode, don't be alarmed I can just go like that.

By all means move me gently if I'm in danger and please ensure upon waking up suddenly I know where I am and more critically where the rest of you are.

If you think I need sleep, don't be afraid to help ensure I take it as I sometimes I don't realize it until it's a bit late as that's what happens when you have cheese hole size  gaps in your brain functioning at times.

I am quite little even as I do try to help everyone out getting things to happen.

Normality or what passes for it resumes Monday.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Christopher Cross - Crossed Words II

 A long time ago, think it was in late 2011, I talked about Christopher Cross, while looking a series of potentially interesting double compilation compact discs that grabbed my attention for the variety of songs and breadth of coverage of an artists career.

This came into beginning because through one period of my life I couldn't afford every record that caught my fancy and one of the notebooks that came to life last year was an indication of how I noted down the artists and songs with the aim that at some point I'd get them.

Things have changed over decades and more over I'm more interested in having favourites on vinyl and so I bought used the American first pressing of Christopher Cross's first album issued late December 1979 so really ought to seen as a 1980 fixture which it was selling well in the U.K. and in the U.S. 

This was the album that introduced us to Sailing and Ride Like The Wind.

The follow up for some strange reason didn't sell quite as well although listening to it this weekend I don't see it musically and lyrically a lesser album, I mean you have such luminaries as Carl Wilson of the Beach Boys on backing vocals on Baby Says No, two Eagles members and a lot of top session players on board too.

My copy is the West German which *should* have the original American metal work to stamp out copies on.

This album coming after the 1981 hit Arthur's Theme from the great Dudley Moore film and sound track introduced is to No Time To Talk, All Right and Think Of Laura used in the tv soap General Hospital in 1983.

These albums were recorded digitally on multitrack equipment - enough to make Mr. Hifi Bore just outside his local Linn, Mission and Rega dealer get into a mega rant about the evils of digital - and these albums are extremely well recorded with lots of dynamics and the most amazing mids to speak of making Christopher feel as if he's in your room.

They would even make perfect hifi demonstration discs they do sound that good.

Listening to them was an absolute pleasure where the songs, the performers and the sound come all together.

For what you can pick these up for used, they're well worth owning on vinyl if you have a decent turntable.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Gathering things to do during the rain

When this is being typed out, the hype around Euro 2024, the soccer competition, continues in the newspapers, streets and of course television.

Personally I've been enjoying the tennis, rain permitting, quite a bit this year as much as sports like hockey and baseball tend to be more my thing.

Other rain based things given just how wet much of last week, getting drenched going out the bins and that have included reading some stories by Enid Blyton such as a few recently acquired Noddy ones with all the adventures in Toytown and a couple of Brownies annuals.

 Now that's rather fun!

Other things being considering what to take with me when I go away with friends at the end of the month which may be more last minute given just how variable the weather has been so far this summer although a waterproof coat will be a must plus  kit for games.

Monday, July 8, 2024


While the groan up world talks about landslides, Tsunami's and the like I just prefer to switch off and relax and for me that does mean looking at the cutest most purrfect sites going thinking about different looks and if any really could be me.

I mean prints like these are just lovely, light but not so festooned with a metric tonne of lacy frills but still extremely pretty and probably wood go with nice long, maybe over the knee socks and perhaps a pair of silk gloves.

You seriously can't picture a world I'd want to be in without Hello Kitty and her friends and this is lovely, not too fussy bag. 

That is very true.

I find there is something fundamental about sleeping with your plushies when you're not spending other time carrying them around with you in one paw.

What about you?

Monday, July 1, 2024

A summer wombling...


It's Monday, it is Dominion Day as I was brought up with it as rather than Canada Day as it is the first today and that pose is not one you're ever likely to see me in being Smartphone free even if the rest of it is very much up my alley apart from the bent paws.

In the mess that was last week, one thing came that kind of connects to the past and is definitely environmentally friendly.

Delayed a bit limited to 500 copies with a signed postcard by Mike Batt, the very record some of us definitely had been hoping for over the years.

It's basically a Greatest Hits album with all your favourite singles in there chronological order of release as issued on CBS Records over here with the Wellington solo track, and exclusive US single and the version of The Wombling Song used in the film Wombling Free in 1977.

 Yes, that's Bonnie Langford helping out as a proto environmental activist from the film who also starred in a television adaptation of the Just William stories as violet Elizabeth.

That means such classics as Super Womble, Wombling Merry Christmas and Remember You're a Womble are gathered up with a essay and picture on the inner sleeve to be played and enjoyed the way we did back then.