Monday, July 29, 2024

The away little

The likelihood of there being any kind of journal with a promotional link to this weeks entry is very slight as I should be away until the end of the week and time will be a bit short especially given the legendary Grump will be up and out before I'm gone, double checking he does in fact get going.

As I'm typing this the only thing I know for sure is underwear, tops and sleeping attire which given it should be warmish need not have arctic thickness and be a bit more girlish to boot although anything like that is really on MY terms rather than some sub-culture pushing their own on anyone else as we all are ourselves as girls and that is reflected in our own styles.

Things with me do take into account practicality as in actually getting dressed by yourself and what is more appropriate to the activity, shorts for hiking, something light, modest and feminine for sports, a nice skirt or dress cool and attractive for day to day activities for instance.

 If I appear to switch off and go into pause mode, don't be alarmed I can just go like that.

By all means move me gently if I'm in danger and please ensure upon waking up suddenly I know where I am and more critically where the rest of you are.

If you think I need sleep, don't be afraid to help ensure I take it as I sometimes I don't realize it until it's a bit late as that's what happens when you have cheese hole size  gaps in your brain functioning at times.

I am quite little even as I do try to help everyone out getting things to happen.

Normality or what passes for it resumes Monday.

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