Monday, July 15, 2024

Gathering things to do during the rain

When this is being typed out, the hype around Euro 2024, the soccer competition, continues in the newspapers, streets and of course television.

Personally I've been enjoying the tennis, rain permitting, quite a bit this year as much as sports like hockey and baseball tend to be more my thing.

Other rain based things given just how wet much of last week, getting drenched going out the bins and that have included reading some stories by Enid Blyton such as a few recently acquired Noddy ones with all the adventures in Toytown and a couple of Brownies annuals.

 Now that's rather fun!

Other things being considering what to take with me when I go away with friends at the end of the month which may be more last minute given just how variable the weather has been so far this summer although a waterproof coat will be a must plus  kit for games.

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