Monday, February 7, 2022

Why I'm staying home


Things were not great over the last I don't know ten or so days from when I actually wrote this which was why I was pretty quiet in most of the usual spaces which sometimes invites speculation, sometimes consternation and sadly reverse planned things.

Given I've lived with this for an exceedingly long time being like this is not something I feel I really need apologize for although I would for missing an event that involved others and life is not just a matter of take your tablets and it'll be fine.

Even afterwards it can take days to recover not least dealing with chunks of memory being missing.

To function well you need to know what you know AND know what you don't know and for a good few days I don't so all you get me staring out to space.

It's bad enough normally being unaware people have moved on with no idea where leaving you on your own.

That's why I have needed to rest through this exceptionally bad instance of severe migraines, turn off the screens and work more on recuperation rather than hoping against hope for just clearing in a day and grabbing stuff to go take a break as much as one might of liked to.

It also isn't fair to expect people to be looking all the time around you if go to meet with people when you know you are very unwell rather than just becoming so with people. 

It wasn't part of their time away from whatever they normally do. 

We'll see how things pan out for later in the year.

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