Monday, February 28, 2022

The modern world and the little

There are lots of different ways in which the way we express our little selves of which one of the more obvious is how outside of our adult lives we elect to present ourselves through what we wear.

Whatever it may be, it is always to drawn a line under what may be classed as being seen as an adult (although of course that doesn't alter The Law) and to resemble outwardly our little selves.

To varying degrees what it is inwardly our sense of littleness which for a few such myself is always there and so is involuntary and permanent would show just on its own whatever we we be wearing but we feel more at one with it more when we resemble our little selves physically.

For some this may include things like wearing say onesies that are themed more around younger children's likes, it may include "little girl dresses" or varying forms of play or leisure wear and for a few it may go into more school or what within my family we'd call our "Best outfits" that you might wear to the theatre or at church.

The World of the Child has changed from perhaps when a good number of us were born and so assumptions you may of had just are not matched in that of actual children today.

The range of clothing is a lot wider than it used to be, many of us played in too worn for use regular school clothing that had been replaced and many conventions around what can be worn by boys or girls have changed.

It is common place for girls to wear various forms of trousers today as do women often and in various parts of the world some boys are wearing skirts.

Attire does NOT make your sex: it only aligns with gender based assumptions.

As adults we have seen more recognition that a person deemed upon physical inspection at birth to be male or female can and do feel very much that they are of the opposite of frequently from an early age.

It is more recognized beyond even that some people do not feel entirely male or female or fluctuate between them and that a boy may present more feminine and a girl may be more masculine ways by local cultural standards.

Even in my relatively small suburb, we have children in school who are not in the traditional pigeon holes by way of gender and girls who don't wear skirts and boys who do wear dresses.

Yet it seems to me this World of the Little is stuck very much in a time warp even though if you were to think about it, it is quite possible in the modern world, any of those children could of been you.

Skirts for girls; trousers for boys has moved on in the real world and for some of us it has and I might add WILL remain a mix and match world reflecting how we are, how we see us and rather less defined by gender.

No one should feel uncomfortable or have to apologize for being themselves and that applies as much in the littles world as that of your adult big one.

We all can be inclusive.

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