Monday, April 6, 2020

Weekend musings

As arrangements despite the emergency to mark Easter continue and attempts to even stop the sale of Easter Eggs I have been continuing to go out enjoying as best you can the Spring.
Indeed on Friday I had to persuade a wasp to buzz off as it was attracted to my Tuque's colours illuminated by the bright sunlight as it came flying of a hedge and toward me as I was walking around.
It might of been these fine things it was really after that I thought looked really rather lovely in front of a wall on communal grass by the sidewalk.
I'm continuing with viewing Malory Towers which should start showing today, April 6th direct on the CBBC channel which all being well I should be able to get in HD as we'll of gotten a new Panasonic colour HD tv to replace the old 32" Sony.

That's wired to my Blu-Ray Player and the YouView BT Sports box so apart from seeing sporting events better when this emergency is over with, I can watch this baa'ingly funny blu ray with better quality

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