Monday, March 23, 2015

Drink up!

Thanks for the belated birthday wishes, Susan.
As some of you will be painfully aware there are other things on my mind right now but in all generally dark stuff that there was an experience I hadn't said much about that came back to me.
A good number of you know I have multiple disabilities and with the problems I have in carrying, holding and walking with hot drinks it's not uncommon for you to have to do things and in the past when when with my folks it's been necessary to change a standard adult  tall cup or mug to something I can use. I can and  have spilt hot drinks on me, carpets etc so to an extent need to be protected from scolding myself.
Usually Dad would transfer it to yes -a sippy cup-just  as I'd usually frowned at being given this to drink from. 
I know it may be some peoples idea of cool regression but while I could and still easily roll being treated more like a tween feeling very comfortable with it, this just felt very baby and embarrassing at the time.
Mommy at least would give me a small proper cup even if had a cute character on it which I felt happier with.
I think the moral here is for others to consider what you feel comfortable with and maybe just ask.


  1. i wonder if a two handle cup would be any better for you JC

  2. IRL I have a sever visual impairment. However unless the situation is an obstcle course, I can navigate inependently fairly easily and well. What I dislike is persons grabbing my arm or some other part of me, trying to "help", without so much as a "by your leave". the worst of it is is that they don't realize they are dealing with a grown person, not a toddler. Even as an LG I am not a toddler

    Christine Daryleanne Paradise
