Monday, March 16, 2015


Slowly recovering from the rotten stinking cold here that arrived with brilliant timing for my birthday and that was one of my cards. Very apt!
Thanks for persons from the various sites for your birthday wishes across the period and for your comments on last weeks entry as Jessica and Lucy seemed to have caused a bit of a stir and unlike the ceramic ones I have and have had from the 80's, are most playable with.
And play is good for me. 
Brief note to Rachel Bear-I too now have The Lonely Doll book you brought to camp!
Of course the other thing if you're in the UK is that yesterday was Mothering Sunday and like most I got my Mommy a card and some flowers as she's super special in my life and is happy for me to play more when folks are around which is really appreciated.
As well read readers are aware,I do like my music so I had two new Micro SD cards for my music player as I find picking up pre-loaded cards easier than having to fire up the computer to start swapping out files before I go off with the player.
As an increasing number of these recordings are  'lossless' if not High Definition lossless and take up more space than regular Mp3 these are 64GB which allows me to pack almost as many albums in lossless as I did with 16GB cards in the past.
If you've not been shopping for memory for a while, you may be surprised just how cheap solid state memory is and these worked out at around £ 21 GBP shipped which isn't for removed from what I used to pay for 16GB and 32GB usb sticks in the past.
If you player can handle lossless and you have a formatting utility (my player has one) to reformat 64GB cards to player friendly ExFat you might as well stick with the lossless for the best sound.
Talking about formatting reminds me of the days when we learned to us the first personal computers and having to learn all that Dos stuff to do stuff! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh happy late bday Jo. I didn't know your birthday had come!
