Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year Changes

Okay we can move on over to the post I truly had in mind for this new year although there's a kind of connection between it and elements of the other.
I mentioned about over the last few months and on at least three posts a bit around presenting, my self image and how that goes together.
One issue happens to be around having multiple closets going back to the period Bob McMan was expected to be a completely separate identity with it's own unique look, a time it has to be said that felt so sad as if my emotional side had frozen over.
Over the years parts of it had changed mainly the more casual and anything more LB got converted to LG but formal tops had stayed their even though it was obvious 90% of the time I was picking out blouses and no matter where I went, that really was such a non issue.
It's true I'm not supergirl, and do have a few problem areas in my life like putting things off and generally being indecisive for which I am presently getting help with, however this year I've decided on one thing.
The last remaining bits of Bob McMan's tops are to be gone and they have left the building for good being replaced by blouses such as the one above that I can wear with skirts, pinafore dresses and trousers so for all intents and purposes I have just one closet covering all my needs which is simpler.
Anyway yesterday the mailman saw me sign for a parcel with my nails clearly painted and wasn't bothered at all.
I don't need anything else anymore.

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