Monday, August 29, 2022

A kind of reintroduction

Believe it or not we have made just over a thousand and fifty entries, been in existence for well over a decade and still you see fresh people coming to it before you consider it is possible others may of left.

I had been thinking for a bit and actually a kind of reintroduction post is necessary not just because of the length of time we've been around but also for a host of reasons opportunities to formally and informally through say play have been restricted for a good two and half years and some will continue beyond.

This is unapologetically a blog for littles, people who regress either for short period or like some of us involuntary regress to some extent all of the time and those who may be in their lives.

With no implied criticism this blog only looks at and is about more things that would be seen as "child safe" or otherwise safe for work and has been from day one excepting the past is what it is and in talking about that, some things that may be less in favour today may be lightly referenced. The past is the past.

What unites people is what we bond over, a love of childhood, the one you had or for some more the chance for a better one that has us in it and others who are prepared to join in spirit.

Your dollies, teddy bears, toys, comics and yes your imagination are the things we need and the things we share that makes for that reenactment of the past in the present this life at its best has.

Your grown up side may have views on groan up topics but as they never came into play back in the playground then, we certainly don't need them now.

We just played and if someone was being a bit mean, then we said just that, no "isms", "ists" just treat others the way you'd like to be treated. 

That's how it works here and anyway did you say you were a child? Leave that to groan ups!

The vantage point here is more from a feminine angle but one that is wider than that of some peoples pasts however personally they may like being that person cos being you is only for you and what anyone else may be is...different. Different is okay.

Today we recognize some people have a stronger sense having a duality of feminine and masculine traits and interests even of others may not, that you may not from a purely gender point of view see yourself as entirely one or the other.

I can and shockingly do switch or move by degrees at times by interests and by dress as do a fair number of people today but you remain one person.

This blog not surprisingly accepts people who are non-binary or see themselves as gender fluid supporting the rights of all of us to be ourselves as we are and feels this shouldn't get in way of playing with others.


It is shocking to consider how people were judged in the past even from their earliest days but are we prepared to accept people for how they are even if that may not be you personally?

This blog doesn't believe in demanding personal endorsement  but believes in the acceptance of difference, seeing the person beyond how they may present or how you may live your life, respecting that. Being inclusive is being accepting of difference.  No one has to "get it".

Life has interests as briefly mentioned and some of those are to be found within this blog, such as nature, music and reading although that is impacted by real life limits is more junior fiction than anything written specifically for an adult audience, comics and plushies.

I don't do regular pieces on fashion although sometime things around more littles wear such as play clothes or uniform do appear as I feel a post coming on.

Welcome to the World of Joanne_chan!

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