Monday, February 22, 2021

World Thinking Day

 Sometimes there's that much 'noise' about that people ignore important things and one important thing today is it is World Thinking Day which for some of us used to be called Thinking day.

That day does tie very much into scouting, specifically GirlGuiding in the UK and the Girl Scouts in the United States being the day for all Guides and Girl Scouts to think of each other and celebrate their sisters all around the world.

Often there is a theme to the day shared around around and activities organized.

That's an example of what would be happening.

This year it happens to be Peacebuilding which in a troubled world where politicians and sometimes whole people are in conflict with each other is a good idea.

One definition of it is this:

Peacebuilding is a long-term process of encouraging people to talk, repairing relationships, and reforming institutions. For positive change to last, everyone affected by a destructive conflict has to be involved in the process of building peace. Transforming relationships is key to putting an end to violence.

It need not be about countries as often we have disagreements with our friends, the people we share space with, even our families.

Staying stuck in a situation where relationships are strained, not feeling they can trust each other isn't just bad for us, it has consequences for those around us and so working to repair those relationships matters.

That's why I'd say use part of today to think about you can do to 'be the change' and be a peacebuilder whither or not you're in scouting.

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