Monday, October 5, 2020


This is being typed while it's very wet outside, practically too wet to be out walking far without getting drenched as much as I'd sooner be out  enjoying the fall so instead I'm listening to Elgar's Cello Concerto.

That's more what I'd sooner of been doing as we've entered October just out enjoying the tree canopies exploring on foot.

That's just me, liking to be out exploring when not being bitten by things and that may not be you.

Because I may do things differently doesn't make me any less valid, any less who and what I am from those who may not for having strong tomboyish streaks anymore than a male who has an interest in dance or gymnastics is any the less who he is because you are you. 

We own who we are, exploring how we express that as ourselves not needing anyone's or any groups  validation or approval.

To me gender equality means being treated equally regardless of gender and how you express that as you are.

We are US.


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