Saturday, February 1, 2014

Can we share the same baton?

Between a number of things like having a cold and encountering a number of interesting websites this week, I was reminded of something which has many implications some of which were relevant to us.

That's right a picture of the game I loved playing at school but it's a sobering thought that sport in many schools has a gender divide going on and not enough people are questioning it.
For instance while in the earlier years girls and boys may play the same sports and if really being radically have mixed teams (just fancy the concept of girls and boys actually co-operating!), as we work our way through the tweens, something starts to happen.
Sports start forming along  rigid gender lines in Britain with boys having to play soccer and girls hockey or netball as if having a few anatomical differences is sufficient to what may interest you or where your sporting abilities might lie.
This is a problem if your abilities do indeed lie in sports not judged to be acceptable to be played by people of your own gender, for instance a boy who is really good playing field hockey may struggle to find a team to play for.
It used to be difficult for girls to play soccer in school although The Football Associations in the UK have been working on that for a while now.
It's also a problem if like me you're transsexual, pretty much out on a limb wanting to spend time with those who gender you do identify with in class, sharing the same interests and yet there's little reason why it should be this way. 
Fortunately my last school was a bit flexible in that regard but many are not. 
It's really  time for a change don't you think?


  1. Joanne I played both field hockey and soccer for my Grammar school. I was the goal keeper (Goal Minder) at both. In fact for field hockey I played Goalie for both the boys and mixed teams. I also played Hockey until my mid twenties for a mixed team.This was in the 1960's.


  2. Not in my school district. By 5th grade elementary, basketball was already split along gender lines as were most sports by junior high. By the time high school came around, the separation was complete in all of the major sports such as football, basketball, baseball and even golf. I haven't seen much in the way of mixed teams to this day either.

    I also understand your personal perspective on gender identification and how that needs to be addressed as well. Even a suggestion of wanting to play on the girls teams back in my school days would have led to years of being ostracized and bullied. I wonder how progress can ever be made when it's rare for a biological girl to even make it on the football team?
