Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Diamond Jubilee edition

As I usually say there's a purpose however  hard to spot at the start behind my use of images as strangly enough I do think carefully about which to select.
As I'd hope all of us in the Commonwealth would know, we're marking the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty's reign, an uninterupted 60 years of public service to us, her subjects these last four days.
These things to me are a link not just the chronological past of my life but also to my sense of being a little as I was brought up with in this system, following all the tours of the Queen, making scrapbooks up, watching the various Royal weddings, waving our nations flag and even being introduced to various royals myself from an early age. It's something I'm very comfortable with and as you can see in this picture, these children in the UK are too having waited literally hours to see the Queen. If you've ever had the pleasure to talk with her one thing you'll know is she takes great interest in where she goes as for that matter do other members of the royal family. I spent must of been ten minutes talking to one Princess about the life cycle of snails in my early teens! As Paul McCartney remarked yesterday, they're good people at heart AND do have a sense of humour.
So it's no surprise I've been glued to the tv, making a small digital scrape album of anniversary images I like and enjoying some colouring.


  1. Joanne

    please allow me to correct you. We are celebrating the Diamond jubilee of her Majesty's reign not of her coronation. The coronation was in 1953 and the Queen came to the throne in 1952.

    Daddy knows because the very first television program that he watched as a small boy was the Coronation which was when he was 5.



  2. Corrected thank you, Miss. I was having a bad day and I slipped the wrong worm into it apart from having some formatting issues not heped by the erratic connection!
    Thanks again for pointing out the mistake.
