Monday, August 26, 2024

The Bank Holiday round up


Well today is officially a Bank Holiday over here although in practice many things such as shops are operating as normal so I'll be out playing for a bit so long as any rain and wind holds off

Molly the brownie dolly is downstairs on a shelf and amazingly the grump has laid a rug that is at least four years old down that had been brought by Mom and then left behind the dining room television which is as well as the old one was frayed with duct tape at the edges.

Last week there was some fun and games at Fur Affinity, the Furry related arts site some of us have an account at where an individual had hacked two X (previously known as Twitter) accounts and redirected the main site itself for a good two and a bit days to various alt-right/anti furry,anti lgtq+ sites which was frustrating as I had a few posts to make there where were time critical just when I was going to be out.

It appears the groups this person placed redirects to were not very happy at all being "played" for this stunt as much as they have issues with us.

In the end a holding page came to say it everything was being prepared to restore the site to normal and inviting us to join their Discord accounts that were carrying updates on progress and actions regarding investigating what had gone on.

This I end up not for the first time via the Furry establishment with something else on the social media front  this  time with a discord account not that I do much chatting as between my paw joint issues, migraines and dizzy spells I don't spend all day online and someday's it's less than an hour across several.

I don't care for the interface to be blunt but it's okay as back up and "What is happening guys?" thing.

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