Monday, June 10, 2024

An update


Sometimes the influence some post you may of made over a decade or so and pretty much left alone for all these years comes back, often being cited.

My best friend at the time, Dani, an African-American, always cautioned me on the perils of been seen as a Guru from the days we spent time on Experience Project, being lauded, lionized and often misunderstood which both of us were imperfect girls just trying to find our way in this world both on and offline.

One thing tends to be you talk and write of the world you have encountered wherever and however that was but that may not of been the whole and as far as individual identities go - and they're front and centre in today's world - some of what you saw may of been wide of the mark as it applied to individual people.

We did talk way way back then around the differences between Little Girls, specifically those who came male background and Sissies at that gets to nub it.

Definitions is a notoriously difficult and some might say almost impossible game to play with as many exemptions to common traits and certainly the online image of sissies is one which is very much adult, sexual and with what is often called "humiliation play".

That as I think most us us accept tends to run away from where Little Girl tends to be, a world of girlish innocence and play, very much the child.

However, there can be some who see themselves as being more both Little and Sissy, less girl and more gurl but sharing much of the same interests, dress still rooted in being a child.

They may see themselves at some point being neither boys nor at least psychologically speaking girls but "something else" but in practical terms does it matter where we share spaces?

Can we all join in a dollies tea party?

Yes - and sadly some saw my previous words as saying that little sissies couldn't exist so they could never - and were unwelcome.

If that was anyone's feeling as the author of that post, I do apologize as that certainly was not my intention as Tammy knows.

Leave the little sissies alone to skip and play with anyone else who does love being little.



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