Monday, January 15, 2024

Preparations for being away

Plans are slowly coming together for Camp having worked on my direct contribution to events and got the prizes all sorted out but beyond clothes which probably be finalized a week or so before hand  given the somewhat variable and extreme weather we've been having of late with me specifically there are other things.

Because of what happened to me in the work place I have difficulties with both my hands although the right hand one is more affected which both limit in the absolute sense the amount of use in total from getting up through doing things across the day to getting myself changed for bed at night and that at least one needs to be be splints whenever it is being used.

That's to prevent actions that would cause further inflammation and injury and provide support around my wrist(s).

While physical therapists tend to say you should only wear them while undertaking things, reality is most of the day you just are from picking things up to attempting to get the washing up done so I usually take a spare for those sorts of activities.

Thus I needed to get a new one for less messy uses sorted so I needed to check my hand measurements as mine are more like a teenagers than an adults so they are a snug fit

The other thing is because of my migraines I need to keep a whole box or two with me in case any come on  to aid my recovery although a significant number of people misunderstand them and how they leave you, wanting you to pick up from where you left off focused more on the idea you let people down rather than you had a urgent medical need that needs appropriate treatment including recovery.

It's not midge season so there's usually stuff for them while it's not their season generally speaking and anti hystermines for other things like nettles

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