Monday, January 18, 2021

Random weekend thoughts

It's another cool weekend that's passed which seems to be very much a trend this year having been  out a bit earlier on with Bobble hat, mittens and scarf to get a bit of fresh air before playing a few recordings which is thing I do at weekends.

My friends and I have a thing where we post what we've been playing at one site I've been at for like ages and we talk about them which might be the music or some detail of the recording we are playing.

Like this time I've been playing some box sets by the composers Sibelius and Beethoven who I love and they've playing mainly "classic" rock although a few play classical music from records which is of course what I used to do as a kid cos that tended to sound better than the tapes of the day.

It wasn't that much of surprise people who like classical music soon bought into compact discs cos with lots of very quiet passages no faint rustles from the groove or slight pop's are appreciated 

It's hardly an original thought but I just feel very smol with everything else going on so dresses like these do come into play although I think proper long socks go better with that grey dress

It's not uncommon for a number of us to have dolls but what would you feel about a "Goth" doll, like could you love it like one in more traditional costumes or short tails?

I think I could, not feeling so tightly bound to childhoods of the past and prepared to accept the present in the restored child-like world.

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