Monday, December 28, 2020

The 2020 review

It is Bank Holiday Monday, that is the one before the New Year so it is usual on this blog to write a kind of review which may as well start a bit from where we were last year.

Ever since the great schism between CG/l with age play and age regression broke out on Tumblr there had been further division between purists of Child Like regression that had no place within it for being in a relationship and with some even claiming it for older teens and younger only and the more CGL/re side who did accept relationships but one in which the little was regressed and had that child-like headspace respected within it.

For good measure those of us on that side also maintained that regression was not limited in any way to your chronological age because it is about the child-like space you thoughts, feelings and emotions that you (re)enter so it didn't matter if you were seventeen or seventy as that body was just the physical form that allowed you to express your inner child.

The peace that broke out in 2019 continued even as a few tried to find the buried bones of the argument from the last gals and guys standing on the purist Chire side which was as well as how the year panned out meant we really needed age regression.

Things had started out as normal with me going with friends for fun, games, fresh air and fun at the Winter Littles Camp in a new venue we'd found having a great time even if the weather wasn't all one may of hoped for.

By little more than a month we all saw what will in future be seen as an historical announcement on Tv that informed us that things were going to be very different thanks to Covid which while being found in China we'd assumed was likely to stay around there but that wasn't to be.

That was going on as unexpectedly I was returned for a couple of weeks to the world around which my old job revolved and while doing a little investigating on foot the  best route to get there and having done that a bit of shopping in the City centre I was taken quite ill within a couple of hours for a few weeks with symptoms' that in hindsight did match Covid.

The restrictions from the announcement meant that two attempts to arrange littles camp togethers were foiled as the rules and deadlines kept changing and even our GHS Halloween Party couldn't happen.

Covid affected an aunt and a cousin both of which have recovered but a third died from complications of which of necessity meant the funeral arrangements were anything but straightforward.

I found myself taking comfort more in my more littles/middle side reading comics, watching children's tv and spending time in the fields enjoying the countryside, nature and fresh air playing even if we had to wait a good while for the playground to reopen to use the equipment.

The world-wide nature of Covid affected pretty much everything from marking VE day anniversary, the postponement of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics together with much sport  to making tv, arts performances and recording music.

While recordings were affected I did enjoy buying some new  classical Super audio cds that I did write about here and enjoyed hugely this years Folklore and Evermore albums by Taylor Swift

While it is hard to look ahead when there are continuing developments within Covid, there is reason for hoping the massive vaccination program launched in December will over time lead to a greater ability for us all to function more freely even if it is about for a while.

Christmas gone was very smol, it needed to be as impacted as even that was with presents that were for being played with such as lego or at least allowed me to enter the smaller more reassuring fun world of imagination.

As much as I can say going forward, in my own tomboyish forever schoolgirl way this next year is more likely to see me in world and mindset of her, coping through repetition and imaginary play with whatever is going one around me in much the same way as two tween girls did playing on their bikes in the wood on Christmas Eve.

To me they showed the best response to getting by in all of this and certainly not obsessing over news and groan up things

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