Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Paws Thoughts

We have but four days to go before the Main Event as different as unfortunately it will be for most of us but we are having it nontheless, scaled down because actually it matters to us to maintain faith with time honoured rituals we were introduced to as our parents and grand parents were themselves.

No One not even The Grinch or that nasty chap, Covid has any power to deny you Christmas as you make it in your hands and it lives in your heart wherever you may find yourself this year.

Just let it out and above all, be Smol, Be Little, be your Little Girl or Boy self and enjoy the magic for what it is keeping the groan up cynical thoughts and polly ticks out of our magical time.

It might not of been the Christmas we wanted, but have it, savior it and enjoy the time using whatever means at your disposal to keep connections with family and friends alive as trying as things are.

My message to you is Happy Christmas AND Make It Happen.

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