Thursday, May 8, 2014

Are we at war?

Limping along with damaged leg this week isn't exactly an inspiration to wrote this weeks entry although strangely enough for me the strongest feelings and reminders of being being little happen include being unwell so maybe I'm in the mood for writing this after all.
I often read about people feeling conflicted about being simultaneously having a more grown up side to them and this other little side to them, trying to reconcile the two as if they're two different people.
Sometimes that sense of it's one or the other can lead to an attempt to suppress or remove from their lives the little as if it's a battle of the wills between the two haves one must win but to me some of these issues come from the older side feeling the need to attach critical thoughts such as regarding them as 'unnatural' or even weird to them.
I guess I'm not the right person to answer this cos for a stack of reasons I don't seem to have issues personally but there are a number of assumption that strike me apply.
One is a strong cultural emphasis on regarding childhood a stage one jettisons in it's entirety to take on the responsibilities attributed to adults rather than additional play like stage you keep slotting between your adult responsibilities in the workplace, to a partner or even your own bigger side.
Everyone needs an outlet for that playful side. To me it's that some are are seen as acceptable like playing pub games or a weekend with the Rugby Supporters Club and others are seen as something you 'should of outgrown'.Sorry, I prefer sleepovers!
One problem some run into is the linking or conferring of real bigger real life issues into being more child like either by effectively evading dealing with them in play (playing house instead doesn't solve lack-you might lose your real house) or dealing with expressing  their more child like side to partners, especially when prior to living together, this wasn't discussed ("I didn't marry a child").
This can be get difficult if you start going down the road of living 24/7 as a little because for most of us at least such a life does cut into our adult responsibilities not just to ourselves but to those while being in such point we'd be expecting to take up the slack. I'm not going to preach here but you may ask yourself if that's healthy?
To me balance is a cornerstone of the alg life - you wouldn't wish to forgo a anniversary meal  with your partner for staying in watching cartoons in your favourite childs dress -  but for some the attempt to balance leads to them not hearing the sighs of the little who soon has a tantrum.  And in my experience attempts at the littles purge, not uncommon, usually result in just that followed by a groan ups meltdown because as people we are what we are.  Little.
Sometimes, the sheer drama going on your life, relationship issues, difficulties in the workplace or for some of us enforced changes in our financial support with connected negative politicizing can seem so overwhelming, our little side feels sad and withdraws.
Personally I try to make time for any more groan up business to attend to (with my health quite a bit of that has just vanished from the timetable) and the remaining time I do use for more little experiences. Do remember the business of being your little is very much in how your feel which may include but isn't solely restricted to what you wear so there's no reason to have to stay in or just be in a group to do this  but do. You'll feel much better for it.

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