Sunday, September 23, 2012

In honour of Little Evie

I suppose I am many things to a good number of you and as you know I do not hold myself so in awe of myself that I have the kind of vanity that to want to know what that might be but  I'm a little reserved both online and as well as in real life.
I don't jump in two feet first shall we say! But today I shall having finished reading Elizabeth's adventures in the Naughtiest Girl series remaining in my little girl school uniform all day for the same reasons she would.

This fine person joined GT recently being as I understand it friendly with Priss and something about her immediately caught my attention.
The first thing I'll say about Little Evie  is (as much as I  dislike drawing distinctions) is she is an adult little girl  who has a beginning as a biological female, something that is remains more a minority in the alg world although I'm personally aware of a few and am extremely grateful for one.
While I'm very aware of the negatives  as well as the positives of the Internet to the point I won't post a persons job title, employer etc here, she works with children which is super awesome in my book  as I don't so much work with them myself as they come at times with those I do, both of us get to spend time with children doing stuff like playing. Having an personal insight to how a child sees the World is a jolly useful thing that I used as a School Governor.
The third thing and the reason why I absolutely had to - having an Elizabeth impulsive moment-  jump in with two feet is she did something I thought was very brave.
She came out to her colleagues as a little and what is more they were supportive of her.
How many of us hand on heart could actually be in a groan up staff area and just do this?
I'm extremely fortunate my colleagues do know and so long as it doesn't get in the way of what I do are cool with it. I've had situations where I have been supported  by people outside of the alg world when people have tried to bring a "shock horror she's a little" drama in other organizations life.
It takes courage to do what she did, the same kind of courage Elizabeth found in the stories, that also I had to find for myself to be as I am.
That is why I'd like to say her site is listed here,  hope all the GT people will welcome her and  say I will do whatever I can to support her in  all the things she knows she needs to get fixed to fully enjoy life as an alg.

Love, Joanne.


  1. joanne,

    i have also come out to my colleagues at the post office. Yep they have seen my pictures and they laugh but in a friendly way.

  2. A beautiful post about a very special person, she has touched my heart as she has yours and I am so happy she is my life.

    Love Samantha
