Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Frill free edition!

Well the idea for this post came to me overnight but as I sleep with Theodore rather than a laptop I wasn't able to type it up until now and anyway I think sleeping with teddies is much much healthier.
I've been talking away with someone on site I don't hang around  a lot at for various reasons we don't need to go into here and I know I've talked to someone else at one place I practically live at around the same sorts of things.
We were discussing clothes sense and what sorts of clothes within a LG context we liked and a common theme that came up was we liked 'regular' clothes and for us it wasn't exclusively frilly stuff and indeed for us even skirt or dress related necessarily.
I guess that will produce a gasp but I know one person who is LG and came complete with the paperwork stating 'Girl' from the get go didn't spend much free time at least  time in anything other than pants and for this other person (cos I ain't revealing who without their permission) also liked shorts.
I wore shorts too quite a lot during my childhood and later on I guess because apart from some things around practicalities they mentally transported me back in time too. I didn't have any gender issues about wearing them at the time, the only issues I had was contextual background stuff wrong pronouns, refusal on the part of others to see my inner girl and so on.
Now pants and  shorts can be worn in feminine way too matching up with girly t shirts, socks  & trainers and are part of some girls experiences too so it's all girl!
The great thing about being a girl is so many options depending on what suits you.


  1. It would seem to be to be perfectly logical that a true LG would enjoy wearing clothes similar to what chronological girls would wear 99% of the time, rather than just party-wear or clothes that aren't what chronological LGs wear but appear to be modelled on stereotypes (as tends to dominate Adult LG photo galleries)...

    1. Thanks for your comments.
      While I tend not to be keen on 'the true (insert defination) statements', there is this difference between those of us whose ideas are more centred on what actual contempory girls wear and those whose ideas are more a fantasy longing (the kind of 'I wished I wore frills all day)' more associated around the fetish sites and galleries.
      For us I would say it's about comfort, practicality and play use (it's easier to climb a tree in shorts)as much as we also may like to show off in party frocks and like to wear plain 'decent length'skirts from time to time too.
      It's a less restrictive notion I feel.
