Monday, September 8, 1980

The LB years [Pre-blog]

The story of my life as explained in the main blog is complicated through being raised as a boy as much as I didn't personally see myself as one although it also is true to say for what I now understand as regression did originally start out in my teens based on boy schoolwear.

For example unlike most of my peers I stayed in formal short trousers well past the age of 11 and was even wearing them by choice at home when I was 16 because I associated them with being safe and the fun I had when I was younger.In short, I wanted to be little before I know what it was.
It also showed in wearing grey boys school socks in preference to mens (grr) over any kind of trousers.
This would continue until I started to move over to more female based mode even if some parts of my outward presentation were more boyish. In some respects at least I could be seen as being more tomboyish rather like "George" in the Famous Five stories who really was a girl.
Of course what I'd of rather of had was everything in school and for my childhood like the child on the left here:
Even if I was dressed more like the one on the right.
Across the 80's this changed as I found more around the topic of gender, cross-dressing  and transsexualism from the media and also from reading around it in libraries to the point I wrote of as you did back then to Post Office addresses  for fact sheets with contact details.
Postcript:  What started out as LB moved to LG where it remains today

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