Monday, August 24, 2020

Past sunny times

After stormy winds as we headed into the weekend that saw me getting rather soggy on Friday actually it turned out quite well although I did hear a few airplanes going overhead dealing with the premature returns of people who needed to return due to the ongoing health crisis.
 I was looking back over some photos where I spotted this of a enjoyable day on the Jetty at Conway North Wales of what would of been about fifteen years ago that were taken on a Advanced Photo System (APS) film camera of fairly simple kind.

It was supposed to make taking pictures easy and give people at the touch of a button Standard, HD (16:9) and Panoramic pictures from film but didn't really take off as most people were happy with their 35mm film compact cameras and digital photography was just around the corner.

This was a view from the harbour looking across to the other side of the river bank which may people including me went on a boat to enjoy. 

It did take a bit of after the event digital processing, falling short of what I was able to take on my Olympus OM10 but does deliver on the panoramic bit.

Of course the other big attraction of Conway which does have decent bus and train links is its Castle built between 1283 and 1289 by Edward I of England during his conquest of Wales, part of the wider plan of building the walled town of Conway as a defence.

That was another part of that day not that I'm great with steps but I do enjoy things like Castles and the like so I did take some pictures.

When you have this on your doorstep maybe until things are sorted staying within the UK makes more sense?

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