Say everybody, isn't just possible that someone has completed an twelve month arc and might still be twelve today? Stranger things have happened around these parts I can assure you!
Hmm, no better a way for this birthday girl to mark hers with something featuring her all time favourite girl bring forth a cake.
I went out to lunch with Mom and my older brother locally.
Given how old I am, I do get music as presents and this special two cd version of an album I liked whose original copy suffered from so-called cd rot making it unplayable is something I'll treasure with its bonus tracks.
This came out last year having a couple of hard to find albums in it and two I only had on download with card replica sleeves so is much appreciated both from Mom.
Coming soon is this, a new colouring book as I've completed my Frozen one now and some Milk Tray chocolates from my Aunt.
I got three new books in the Nancy and St Brides series by Dorita Fairlie Bruce to add to my collection which will be read, a W H Smiths voucher from a member of the extended family that can be used to buy a book with and reviewed plus money from my brother.
Happy Birthday Joanne. I hope you have a great day. I tried to get on to GT to wish you a Happy Birthay there but I get an error message about a data base error.
happy birthday JC, no kitty stuff?