Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The internet, the rights of children and the childlike

This whole topic is one very dear to the heart of the author of this blog.
I as I'd hope every one of us believes in the rights of children such as the right to a safe happy childhood, the right not to be abused not least sexually by adults  but in our modern sophisticated world it seems it's harder to ensure they do not encounter inappropriate material or are groomed for later sexual attention.
Let's make this plain, this blog and what it is about is 100% behind those who are trying to keep children's lives safe, happy and free from adult predators.
Blogs however have methods where people can show they follow them often publicly and the words used to describe those that do may not help as Google, for instance call those people "Blog Members" so you might think they contribute to the blog and there is an inference the person on whose blog they have placed their following have approved them.
It's the opposite actually, they choose to follow your blog, can't contribute unless you personally allow them, approve themselves although you can remove them later and I regret to say I had to remove one after it was brought to my attention material I would consider hostile to children's interests was on their site.
The internet is we have to remember is the internet, a place where many people do things that legal but may not be, to borrow a British phrase, ones cup of tea and some take liberties too  deserving reporting.
The following is for readers of this blog:
Some followers may host "Adult "  material usually with a screen between your instant access and their own site to tell you so if you do not want to see anything that may be termed that, I would strongly suggest you do not click on them.Please don't presume I've necessarily endorsed followers either as I may not have checked their sites before you click on them! Not a few of us who  are childlike don't want internet porn either.
I really wish 'adult sexual' content sites had to use a separate internet domain that you had to opt into with your internet browser as it is all to easy to find adult sites with the most innocent search terms and if your are or have been a parent it would rightly alarm you especially in an era of mobile internet access that increasing number of children have. Speaking as one who is ALG I'd also block it that way on all my internet capable devices too.
Followers of this blog are just people that like it some of which while I like them as people you may not feel their site is one you'd like to visit and generally I'll only act on those sites who compromise child safety by their content by showing for instance pedophilia but remember I WILL.

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