Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Taking care of your appearence

I have always felt there is a good deal of merit in the notion that taking care in appearances often leads to a more disciplined approach in other areas of your life such as learning and being conscientious.
A good deal of that comes from my own recollection from being at schools that had uniforms that we were expected to wear correctly at all times and to whom we were taken to task for when we did not such as fastening our buttons or ties correctly.
Although I struggled and still do with both I knew enough to ask for the help I needed to ensure I was properly dressed and so was not exempted from what every other child learned, which it has to be said was only right.
This is a part of reason as a adult-child regressor I do wear a uniform beyond just mentally taking me back in time to the childhood that mentally I am unable to progress much from.

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