Firstly we've gained a couple of new followers so Hi to Katie, I gained three new followers on my Tumblr what I use instead of Twitter (thanks Luna) as you can do more with it but quickly making it ideal for short posts that wouldn't justify an entry here and as I said at another site, the tidying up fairy found some unpublished posts from the past and they're now to be found covering the period from 2006 to mid 2009 that were lost in Drafts.
Talking losts, congratulations to Sammy and team for two years of Found a most different (AB) comic she publishes digitally.
Mommy went away for a few days and bought me a couple of new plushies.
I thought the notice was very apt when you think about it! They knows amma little!!!
That as I'm sure Miss Fudge would agree is very true too and a most delightful dress she's wearing. Super cute!
Anyways this is a closer look at the skirt, showing more of the pattern and pleats (gets all excited at the word "Pleats").
The back zips up although again like the others the is a full waist band which I much prefer, and can be worn with a sweater and either socks or tights. It's also relatively thin that helps with the cool airy feel I like.