The journey from what you see in the mirror and how you see yourself to being able to actually resemble in real time and space them has not been easy.
Like many if you I had more than my fair share of put downs from gatekeepers, close at hand to strangers who see themselves on a mission to prevent their world crumbling and of both sexs too I might add.
Having spent more than enough of my life imprisoned in drab male tops and trousers this is so so true so what real business have I in persisting any anything other that which is feminine and girlie?
Now there are some things I love that really trailing soft fabrics wouldn't work too well like hiking so a good pair of well fitting shorts with a bit of air around the legs would make sense but really I feel so much better in a pretty skirt or dress.
You really wanted a Sis to do that to you didn't you?
You'd of sooner have had Girl Time Tm with girl friends playing, making things, having fun and spending more time with mommy learning about home making, cooking and taking care of how you look.
But you CAN fix that.
After all you never really stop being a girl do you?