Monday, October 4, 2021

Would you liked to of been in an alternate world?

 It's been a rather damp sudden drop into Autumn here which has affected my ability to get out with torrential downpours and strong winds so it's been a relatively indoor kind of a week.

The kind of week you start to both reflect on things and imagine how things might of been as you read your comics and favourite books which with me is something that's a hangover from school recesses in the winter months.

Imagine if you could throw a switch that might not so much take you back in your time but rather on level where you'd be the same age but in a different era altogether where some things may be similar but others less so?

What if might of landed in nineteen fifties England in a property newer then than the one I'm in now of which in this city region there are a fair number between the all too conspicuous rows of two story terraced houses with big bay windows side windows and even a garden built from the nineteen twenties to the start of WW2.

The idea that we've moved up a little in our world would not be just reflected in what we might grow in our garden but also about getting a fuller education than our mothers may of had before being expected to marry and run the home.

A world that would include not a far bit of homework to do outside of our many academic subjects in a modern building and opportunities for sports as you formed friends facing the common enemy - the staff - and their rule book.

It would be an era where there were no teenagers to start with and you were still very much seen and treated as a child run very much by the grown ups who were likely to stick up for each other if you crossed them.

But on the other hand you could and still played a lot as much as you got that homework done the same sorts of games as you did only watching a film with friends with strict return time home compared to when you were younger.

That world would include things like school uniforms subject to inspection and had knitted cardigans and dresses galore before you became your Mom looking like and acting more like her.

How would you feel being that child then? 

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