Friday, December 11, 2015

Jo gains a badge edition

I'm a bit late in publishing todays edition I'm afraid with a few unexpected things to deal with and just as I was about to get into the swing of it, Marmalade comes along and sits right next to the laptop so I had to move!
I'm a bit later getting up today  after having fun talking at G.I chat with Pj, Abbie and Chris last night  for a bit although I can see I'll need in future to stick to my official bedtime although I had gotten a dispensation for that night. Routines are things that seemingly I do need to help with stuff like getting to sleep.

As well, I has been appointed as Head Girl no less at G.I's school which is quite something for me as hadn't been there very long, to help out and I'm sure the red badge will look good on my uniform.
Talking of good stuff and me, something that's been a problem area in the past, I was super good this week and just did what I was told and helped Mommy shopping as dad wasn't (and isn't) well and she needed a paw without any fuss which only goes to show helping me behave can work wonders as the only difference this last year and bit has been extra input into that by my Caregiver and others.

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